Why invest in Collierville Education Foundation?
There are few districts in Tennessee with a stronger reputation than Collierville Schools. Our educators lead the way, earning awards, distinctions, honors and championships in their academic, athletic and artistic endeavors. Collierville Education Foundation has sponsored teachers for decades, providing grant funds that enable lesson expansion in classrooms across the district. With such success, you might wonder why investing in these programs is necessary. We believe that strengthening education requires continued effort. Here are three reasons we keep pushing for ongoing classroom enhancements – and why you should join us.
Our teachers are ambitious.
Our goal has always been to fulfill every qualified teacher grant application we receive. In 2022, we achieved that goal for the first time, funding a record-setting number of projects. But in 2023, our teachers submitted more grant requests than ever before. And not only did the number of submissions increase, but the average value of each grant rose. Even with our most successful fundraising year to date, we were not able to fund every eligible 2023 grant request. As teachers learn about the value of CEF grants and the enrichment they can provide in the classroom, we anticipate exponential growth in the number of teacher applications year over year. We will continue to need more capital to ensure we can fund as many future grants as possible.
Staying exceptional requires diligence.
Undoubtedly, Collierville Schools is one of the best districts for primary education. But staying exceptional requires diligence. Resting on laurels and maintaining the status quo are sure-fire ways to stagnate success. Collierville Schools is committed to ongoing enhancements, professional development and exceptional teacher recruitment. We also know our teachers are striving for continued success, as demonstrated by their increased grant requests. So that leaves the ball in your court – we need increased investment from the community to keep our momentum.
We all benefit from strong schools.
If you live in Collierville, you benefit from a strong school system. Investment in education can increase property values, promote health among young people, and even reduce community crime rates among adults. Healthier, economically viable and safe communities are important to everyone, whether or not you have school-aged children. So if you’re a business owner, resident or supporter of Collierville, investment in local education enhances your life.
CEF walks alongside Collierville Schools and its teachers, funding grants that strengthen or expand classroom lessons. From technology that allows students to walk the streets of Mesopotamia to outdoor gardening equipment to learn lessons in ecology and plant growth, we’re continually impressed by the ideas teachers bring to us and execute with our support. You can become a part of this process by investing in our work. Click here to give today.