New technology tools in elementary schools
Technology integration is a schoolwide trend throughout Collierville. As digital devices become more important to our personal and professional lives, it only makes sense that teachers request grants to increase tech access in the classroom. What’s especially exciting for the team at CEF is the variety of ways these grants will support learning now and into the future. Keep reading to learn about the grants enhancing learning and school culture at two local elementary schools.
Bailey Station Elementary
Bailey Station established a Tech Team to meet the needs of today’s digital learners. The team aims to help students learn about innovative digital tools to enhance their education and expand their creativity. Team members will create posters with their CEF-provided equipment to help reinforce the lessons they share.
Students occasionally use iPads or other tablets for different assignments. But lessons that require handwriting or drawing can be challenging on smaller screens. Thanks to CEF, Logitech Crayons are helping students overcome this challenge! The easy-grip stylus creates cleaner, more accurate handwritten work. When the high-tech crayons are used for drawing or sketching, students can take great pride in each detailed addition. These crayons give each pupil the chance to sharpen their skills.
Tara Oaks Elementary
A theme we noticed from Tara Oaks was sound-related grants! Teachers requested microphones, headsets and a portable sound system to make school programs go smoothly.
A new portable sound system will help amplify messages at smaller, schoolwide events. The school’s previous sound system was bulky and complex. This new system is on wheels and includes two wireless microphones for easier transportation. Now, administrators and teachers can bring the system across the school to students, saving time and creating efficiency in the school day.
We also granted Tara Oaks a set of wireless headset microphones. These wearable mics will be especially useful when students have speaking parts or solos during school assemblies or musical performances. As a bonus, they connect to the new sound system!
If you want to see these grants' photos in action, follow us on Facebook. We’ll post content from teachers throughout the year of the special projects funded through our grant program.