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CEF Grant Spotlight: Flexible Seating in the Classroom by Ms. Dana Barchak

This year, CEF provided numerous grants to Collierville teachers to enhance the educational experience for each student. Each month, we will highlight a grant recipient and how their CEF grant is impacting students in their classroom!

Our first spotlight is Collierville Elementary School teacher Ms. Dana Barchak:

Ms. Barchak used the funding provided by CEF to add to her students’ comfort while encouraging enhanced focus on lessons and attention to assignments. Each student received a padded wobble seat which provides an outlet for fidgeting and movement while encouraging students to remain seated at their desks. This seating enhancement option allows her students to be more self-aware and comfortable in the classroom.

According to a study published by the American Journal of Occupational Therapists, wobble seats, like those in Ms. Barchak’s classroom, are a positive tool for classroom management and students of varying attention spans. After surveying several elementary classrooms, students with and without attention-related challenges showed an increased level of focus to lessons and assignments completed at their desk. The study also showed that students who use flexible seating daily have higher standardized test scores.

“This extends to more than just seating options. It’s about creating a classroom environment where students feel cared for and understood, where they feel they are a part of the classroom and take ownership in their learning,” said Ms. Barchak.

Because of your support, students in Collierville Schools have enhanced educational materials. From books and traditional supplies to innovative classroom management tools like wobble seats, your donations furnish grants that expand educational horizons and ultimately make Collierville a better place to learn, grow and live.

Continue to follow our blog to learn more about this year’s grant recipients!

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Collierville Education Foundation

215 W. Poplar Avenue
Collierville, TN 38017 | 901.878.9335

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