Teacher's making a Difference

William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” We are fortunate to have so many great teachers in our Collierville Schools, one of which is Terri Plunk from Schilling Farms Elementary School.
Terri’s degree is K-3 where she could focus on early childhood education to help provide children with a great educational start. She has now been teaching for 25 years spending the first 9 years at Lucy Elementary in Millington teaching K-2, 15 years teaching first and third grades at Crosswind Elementary. With the addition of Schilling Farms Elementary this year, Terri moved there to teach STEM.
While there wasn’t one specific teacher that influenced her, Terri shared, “I chose teaching because I love children and I want to make a difference in children's lives. Over the 25 years I have taught, I have learned to love teaching children to read. I especially love teaching the struggling child. There is nothing like helping a child love reading.”
When asked what she hopes to bring to her classroom and students each day, Terri shared, “I never want to lose that excitement of teaching young children. I get very excited (almost giddy) each August when I welcome my new students to school. I love planning exciting lessons - lessons that will be memorable.”
Thank you, Terri, for bringing such passion to our schools and children. CEF is proud to support you with grants to purchase items that help make your lessons more memorable.
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