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Members of the 
100 Circle

The following donors have invested $100 in the Collierville Education Foundation to support teacher grants in Collierville Schools. 

Amanda Poe

Allie Tran

Amanda Kinkade

Amanda Reves

Amy Steavens

Anna Whitmire

Ashleigh Siddiqui

Ashley Green

Bentley Miller

Bessie Doran

Bethany Adamski

Bichuyen Pence

Bichuyen Pence

Bryan Heath Hudspeth

Casey Long

Cassie DiMento

Cassie Smith

Chadwick Lindsay

Chandra Simmons

Chris Evans

Chris Mayatte

Christine  Ennocenti

Christine Plambeck

Chunliang Li

Clayton Vernon

Deanna Jones

Debra Bell

Deneen Aceto

Effie Cozart

Elizabeth Grasso

Elizabeth Jostes

Emily Boyatt

Emily Guerra

Emily Lackey

Emily Lavenue-Roberts

Evelyn Cruz

Forrest King

Gelena Pate

Georgette Cleaves

Gina Garrison

Greggory Lamb

Heath Reynolds

Heather Roman

Jaime Phair

Jasmina Patel

Jaye Yong Lee

Jean Claude Martin

Jeffrey Jones

Jennifer McDonald

Jennifer Robichaux

Jeremy Pringle

Jesse Cresswell

Jocelyn McIntyre

Jodie Roop

John Green

Jorge Romeroavila

Jose Luis Medina

Julie Henderson

Kara Gross

Karuna Sri Veeramreddy

Kathleen Lyons

Kathy Diaz

Kishore Tirumalasetti

Krista Johns

Lahiru Sandaruwan Hettiarachchi Gamage

Lee Melendez

Leslie Baker

Leslie Bond

Leslie Syring

Libby Green

Lindsay Carpenter

Lisa King

Lori Bledsoe

Lorna Marsella

Mario Vela

Martha Millrany

Martinez Gregory

Mary Stanford

Matthew Lovell

Melissa Gunter

Michael Shideler

Michele Scott

Michelle Miller

Mike Sawyer

Mindy Rackham

Missy Miller

Nick Pride

Norman Maxim

Rachael Campbell

Ranae Daniel

Ravi Nag Avanigadda

Rebecca Lee

Sangeetha Chandrasekaran

Shea Mccloskey

Sheryl Dotson

Shilpa Nataraja

Shoeb Siddique

Sibel Kaskal

Srinivasa Challapalli

Syed Raza

Talana Patterson

Tenela Blakney

Timothy Couture

Trista Beavers

Uma Nambiar

Victoria Falk

Virginia Swindell

Wanda Chism

Whitney Overby

Whitni Rolfes

Xiaofei Zhang

Yolanda Stephens

The impact

Members of the 100 Circle help fund grants to enhance education in Collierville. You can learn about these teacher grants on our blog.

Collierville Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

© 2024 by Collierville Education Foundation

Collierville Education Foundation

215 W. Poplar Avenue
Collierville, TN 38017 | 901.878.9335

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